A short story about communing with the dead (or not so dead)...
ContinueAn interview with Kim Liao about her new book, "Where Every Ghost Has a Name," telling the story of her grandfather and the Taiwan independence movement.
ContinueGrandmothers and mothers are so dear in Somali culture. They bring healing, prayers, knowledge and so much love into the family. “Hooyo,” meaning mother in Somali, has the root word “hoy,” meaning home. Your home is wherever Hooyo is.
Continue"A generation filled with change / that our past fulfills ..." A poem about the new generation of women and what they inherit from generations before them.
ContinueMy great-great-grandfather, Albert Hockstader, was, at one point in the late 1890s, the president of the Hebrew Free School Association. I discovered this while reading a New York Times article from December 27, 1898...
ContinueVirginia Woolf's 1938 book-essay "Three Guineas" responds to an imaginary letter sent from an “educated gentleman,” asking Woolf to join his efforts to prevent war. She proceeds to lay out why it is she cannot answer his request.
ContinueFor most twins, as they grow older, the tendency to be inseparable falls away, as each one starts to find his or her own identity and likes. But for 64-year-old Entumbane identical twin sisters, this has not been the case.
ContinueMy maternal great-grandmother Odora walked out of her village near Lviv in Ukraine as a teenager, alone. She walked across Germany to make her way to New York City.
ContinueI grew up with my Aba and Mai. I adored my grandfather, and used to follow him everywhere as a child... But, looking back, it was my Mai who would shape my life more than I ever realized.
ContinueFor years, I was too ashamed of the abortion I had at sixteen to tell anyone. I had to cross state lines to get abortion care because the law in Massachusetts required that I get parental consent.
ContinueWhen people ask me why I believe in ghosts or spirits, the answer is simple: it’s because I have firsthand experience with them.
ContinueThe matrilineal heritage of the Navajo has stayed strong while the Navajo Nation itself—its people and infrastructure—has suffered some of the worst economic, and now health, conditions in the country.
ContinueIn this excerpt from her book, The Cost of Freedom: A Family Memoir of Taiwanese Independence, Kim Liao imagines what her grandmother's childhood in early 1900s Chinatown might have been like.
ContinueAn interview with singer Martha Reeves by CBC Radio host Carol Off looks at the life of the late Mary Wilson of the Supremes.
ContinueElliott Yoakum reconstructs a recipe for pancakes to explore his relationship with his grandmother.
ContinueA gathering of grandmother recipes that will keep on growing...
ContinueNow could not be a more important time for the Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.